MRP. : ₹ 975.00
DP Price : ₹ 400.00
SP : ₹ 4.00
Availability : Instock
Description : Mani + is a natural derivative from herbal protein. It accelerates germination and also enhances seeding vigour & root growth.
1. Improving Uptake and trans location of Micro & Macro nutrients. 2. Inducing early maturity. 3. Helps plants to resist drought resulting higher yields and better quality of crops produce.
1. Improving Uptake and trans location of Micro & Macro nutrients. 2. Inducing early maturity. 3. Helps plants to resist drought resulting higher yields and better quality of crops produce.
1. Foliar spray 1.2 ml per litre of water at actively growing and reproductive stages. 2. Drip & sprinkler irrigation 1 litre per acre in sufficient quantity of water. 3. Seeding/root dip 2 ml per litre of water. 4. Seed treatment 5 to 10 ml per kg of seed in sufficient quantity of water.
Humephos & Adjuvant